Sunday, June 2, 2019 - Race Time 8:00AM
National Harbor, Maryland

Check in opens at 6:50 AM
Mandatory safety meeting at 7:40 AM
Water taxi leaves pier at 8:00 AM
Water Entry and Race Start: 8:30 AM
LOCATION: North Cove (Commercial Pier) at National Harbor, MD 20745
See www.nationalharbor.com for Hotels, Directions, Maps and other information.
Event Web Site: www.washingtonscrossingswim.com
For Info contact: info@waveoneswimming.com
Event Director, Denis Crean, email: denis@waveoneswimming.com
On Water & Safety Coordinator: Garry Stiegman
Referee: Denis Crean
SPONSOR/HOST: WaveOne Swimming, www.waveoneswimming.com
COURSE: Course shall be swum from the Virginia side of the Potomac River to the
Maryland side culminating at the beach of National Harbor. The course shall be
approximately 2.3 kilometers or 1.4 miles. The start and finish will both occur "in water".
Click here for map.
ENTRIES: All entries must be submitted online at (CLICK HERE) Entry Deadline: Online
entries must be submitted by 30 minutes prior to race time. All signatures, including coach’
s verification, if necessary. Parent's must be present to resister an under 18 participant.
Walk-up entries will be accepted on race day until 7:15AM. COACHES FOR TEAM ENTRIES
AND INQUIRIES, email: info@waveoneswimming.com
Entry Fee:
Register early and save
18 and Over:
$75 -$110
Ages 18 & Under:
$55 - $75
RULES: 2019 modified USA Swimming Rules will govern this event. Eligibility: Each
swimmer must be entered on the official entry forms provided. Only one swimmer may
enter per entry form. Swimmers under 18 entering the meet must have form completed
and signed by their parent or guardian.
SWIMMER CHECK-IN: Check in opens at 6:30 AM for body marking
Mandatory safety meeting at 7:40 AM. Mandatory attendance is required for the SAFETY
briefing on the pier. Water taxi leaves pier at 8:15AM .
SWIM START: Swimmers shall board the Potomac Riverboat Company water taxi at
7:50AM for an 8:00AM departure to the Virginia side of the Potomac River. Swimmers shall
enter the water from the boat and line up for a mass in-water start. All swimmers must
show assigned number and be wearing a race supplied cap to be allowed water entry.
SWIMMERS WITH DISABILITIES: If you have a disability that needs our attention, please
notify us prior to the event so we can prepare for your needs.
SAFETY: This event follows USA Swimming safety guidelines. Kayakers will be located on
the course and safety craft will be on site and prepared to administer aid if necessary.
Kayakers’ instructions to swimmers must be followed. Meet swim caps will be provided
and must be worn by all competitors. Water Safety Check In-Out: Swimmers MUST check
in to board the water taxi and check out upon race completion. Once a swimmer exits the
water during a race, the swimmer may not re-enter the water during that race. Support
crews shall be designated to monitor approximately 250 meter stretches of the course. All
crews will have a leader that is in marine radio contact with the on-land and on-water safety
coordinators. Coast Guard has approved the event and will supply watercraft to secure the
main channel traffic in the river. County rescue departments shall be on site and
coordinated to provide safety support and rapid response.
TIME LIMIT: Maximum Time Limit in the water shall be 100 minutes from the start.
Swimmers still on the course at MTL may be removed from the swim course at the
Referee's discretion. It is the event director's intention to provide ample time for all
swimmers to finish the event.
WEATHER DELAY: Will be at the sole discretion of the Event Director. Race will be rain or
shine, delays or cancellation may result from high winds, atmospheric electrical activity or
other endangering conditions.
CANCELLATION: Will be posted on the event web site: www.washingtonscrossingswim.
com at the earliest point possible; please check the web site before traveling to the venue.
Entry Fees are nonrefundable. Refunds of any portion or kind will not be given for any
reason other than forced withdrawal 48 hrs prior to the start of the swims.
RECOGNITION AWARDS: Recognition awards shall be given to fastest non-wetsuit female
and male swimmer. Awards will be presented to every finisher.
WATER TEMPERATURE: Temperature ranges from 70F - 74F for this time of year.
WETSUITS and SWIM APPAREL: Article 303.7.3B of U.S. Masters Swimming Rules states
that "Wetsuits or any other heat retaining swim wear may be allowed at the discretion of
the event director when the water temperature does not exceed 78 degrees Fahrenheit..."
This 78 degree limit will be enforced. Please look for water temperatures to be posted the
last week prior to the event.). Use of wetsuits will be announced on swim day. Any
swimmer wearing a wetsuit will be ranked separately. Swimmers may wear a “full-body”
suit as long as the suit does not extend below the ankle or beyond the shoulder and does
not cover the neck. Swimmers wearing wet suits or full body suits will be scored
separately. A reasonable amount of body grease may be applied after body marking. Up to
two swim caps may be worn and the outer cap must be the colored race cap provided on site
to all competitors. In addition to goggles, nose-clips, ear plugs, and watches are
SWIM TIMES and RESUKTS: Will be posted on the website and emailed asap following the
VOLUNTEERS: Swimmers and their families are welcome to volunteer to help run the swim.
If you are interested, please send an email to info@waveoneswimming.com to volunteer.
Thank you!
EVENT DIRECTOR and WaveOne Swimming reserve the right to make changes at their sole
discretion. All events and pricing subject to change without notice. WaveOne Swimming is
a dba of United States Open Water Swimming Association.
Address any questions to: info@waveoneswimming.com$50 Ages 18 & Under Early Bird

Swim Course - click to enlarge
Swimmers meet for check in on the Commercial or North pier of National
Harbor. After the mandatory safety meeting and a briefing of race conditions,
swimmers will take a water taxi to the western shore of the Potomac River in
Alexandria, Virginia, where the race begins with an in-water start. At the sound of
the starting horn, athletes will swim approximately 2.3 kilometers (1.4 miles)
back on a well marked course, to the National Harbor beach lagoon to be
greeted by the sculpture, the Awakening. The course will be marked by large
buoys across the river. Full powered and human powered safety personnel will
be in the water to accompany swimmers throughout the race.
Copyright 2017 / WaveOne Open Water Inc.
Washington's Crossing Swim Across the Potomac
Event Facts
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Swim Distance: 2.3K (1.4 Miles)
Course Map here>>
6:50 AM - Check in opens
7:30 AM - Check In closes
7:40 AM - Mandatory safety
8:00 AM - Potomac
Riverboats depart National
8:30 AM Race start in
Potomac River at Jones Point,
Alexandria, Va
Entry Fee:
Register early and save
18 and Over:
$75 -$110
Ages 18 & Under:
$55 - $75
Check in Location:
North Cove/Commercial Pier
165 Water Street, National
Harbor, MD 20745
Maximum number of
swimmers is 250.
Race director reserves the
right to adjust start times for
weather or river conditions.